Get started using our AC V9 assessments.

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Easy differentiation for every student
Data-informed insights to support your teaching
FREE professional learning and support
Track, monitor, and report growth in Mathematics and English across Years F-10
Seamlessly integrate our Australian Curriculum V9 Numeracy and Literacy assessment bundles into your classroom teaching practice
Elevate student growth and achievement in Numeracy and Literacy
Start planning for AC V9 implementation at your school and embed Essential Assessment into your teaching and learning program

Our Australian Curriculum assessment subscription is a complete summative and formative assessment whole school improvement model for schools using Version 8.4 and Version 9.

It supports schools to deliver a consistent differentiated approach to Numeracy and Literacy teaching, learning, assessment and curriculum.

Access to our platform includes:

Numeracy and Literacy strand + substrand online summative assessment - F-10A

My Numeracy and My Literacy online formative assessment and matching Individualised Numeracy and Literacy Learning Plans

Strand & sub-strand hard copy summative assessments and matching reporting documentation - F-10A

Numeracy and Literacy Resource Generator

Sunset Maths personalised mental maths skills developer

My Spelling personalised spelling application

Jetpack Algebra - personalised understanding of algebraic concepts

Aligned to the Australian Curriculum Version 8.4 and 9

Summative assessment
Aligned to the achievement standards & content descriptions between each assessment range
Delivers the classroom teacher a detailed summary of each student’s knowledge
Enables consistent reporting & drives best practice teaching
Delivers measurable and continuous whole school improvement
Formative assessment
My Numeracy + My Literacy
Automatically differentiated for each student based upon pre-assessment data
Complements a best practice approach to teaching and learning

Our Australian Curriculum assessment bundle subscription gives your school a truly differentiated and personalised assessment and curriculum model for your school.

You will love implementing our assessment and curriculum model into your current classroom practice as it provides you with instant, valuable feedback to help each student achieve from their current understanding!

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Support for the new Australian Curriculum, Mathematics and English
At Essential Assessment, we provide educators with a structured and continuous approach to formative and summative assessment to guide differentiated instruction throughout the teaching and learning cycle.
Our digital and interactive pre- and post-assessments and formative and summative assessment tools create assessment-capable learners. These tools help classroom teachers assess students confidently and accurately to measure student progression in alignment with the Australian Curriculum and support data-driven education, instructional leadership, and whole-school improvement in Numeracy and Literacy.
Essential Assessment can support schools with teaching, learning and assessment resources aligned to the Australian Curriculum Version 9 in Mathematics and English. Our partner schools implementing the new Australian Curriculum in Mathematics and English will be able to assess students from the start of the 2025 school year.
When was the Australian Curriculum Last Updated?
The Australian Curriculum was reviewed in 2020-21 and is moving from Version 8.4 to Version 9 following its endorsement by state and territory education ministers.
Why is the Australian Curriculum changing?
The Australian Curriculum Version 9 aims to improve education outcomes and sets out the knowledge, skills, and standards of achievement required of young Australians to help them successfully navigate life and work in an increasingly complex world.
What are the key features of the new curriculum?
In Australian Curriculum Version 9, the overall content is reduced, and the duplication of content across learning areas aims at removing ambiguity by improving content descriptions and achievement standards.
The new Australian Curriculum is structured to include three dimensions: Learning areas, General capabilities and Cross-curriculum priorities, and together they outline the essential skills, knowledge and understanding to support the future success of learners.
What Major Changes Have Been Made?
Embedded into Version 9 Mathematics curriculum content is developing and applying refined mathematical understanding, fluency, reasoning, and problem-solving skills. It has a stronger focus on student mastery of essential mathematical facts, skills, concepts and processes. Changes to the Mathematics curriculum mean that the content taught is age-appropriate and more explicit in the content descriptors.
In the learning of Mathematics, content is organised into six interrelated strands and sequenced across years of schooling from Year F-10. New strands in Version 9 have removed sub-strands with proficiency strands embedded into the content descriptions.
The six strands are
The English Curriculum plays a pivotal role in literacy progression to develop skills to analyse, understand, communicate and build relationships with others.
Content is organised into three interrelated strands across Foundation to Year 10: Language Literature and Literacy.
Key changes to the English Curriculum Version 9 include:
Phonics is embedded in the teaching of English.
First Nations Australian texts emphasised within the Literature strand sub-strand, Appreciating literature and contexts.
Content related to the use of software is removed, and content descriptions are consolidated or removed in the Literature and Literacy strands.
Modification of knowledge and skills into three areas: Listening and speaking, Reading and viewing and Writing and creating.
When Will Schools Need to Implement the New Curriculum Changes?
Schools will implement Australian Curriculum (Version 9) according to the timelines of each state and territory education authorities. For information about plans for implementing the Australian Curriculum Version 9, vist the website
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